Gunmaker, an indie rock singer, whose musical partner died a year ago. He throws his whole being into touring, howling for freedom in a contemporary society rife with contradictions—all the while under surveillance by the authorities.
Gunmaker, an indie rock singer, whose musical partner died a year ago. He throws his whole being into touring, howling for freedom in a contemporary society rife with contradictions—all the while under surveillance by the authorities.
回复 :It is a spine chilling tale of a pregnant mother who sets out on a dangerous mission to unravel the mystery and save her loved ones.
回复 :电影《双生》讲述了艺术学校学生李品(刘昊然饰),在一次偶然的机遇下获得了一份为期一个月的兼职工作,工作内容是为马上迎来自己生日的女孩涛(陈都灵)画肖像画,为此他来到了一处偏僻的豪宅。素不相识的两位年轻人因此结缘,一段青春的邂逅就此展开,然而在朝夕相处的过程中,李品逐渐发现了这栋房子里似乎还隐藏着一些不为人知的秘密,而他与涛之间的关系也逐渐变得微妙起来。
回复 :参加过台儿庄战役的何焕九老兵如今近百高龄,回忆起过往战火纷飞的岁月,衷心希望世界和平,不要再有战争。阴错阳差参与衡阳保卫战,后来参加抗日自卫队的黎威权老人如今身体硬朗,和老伴安享晚年。运输兵郑义晚年生活清贫,老伴过世,自己行动不便,与女儿相依为命,却养大了路边捡到的女婴。……不同的老兵,不同的抗战回忆,不一样的生活。7位老兵的口述,为您展现当年的抗战画面,带您了解广东抗战老兵当前的状况。