回复 :While investigating a drug-trafficking app, “Monster Cop” Ma Seok-do and his team discover a connection between the app’s developer, who was murdered in the Philippines, and an illegal online gambling organisation. Meanwhile, in the Philippines, Baek Chang-gi is controlling the Korean online illegal gambling market and spreading terror with kidnap, assault and murder. His partn...
回复 :A young couple take their first foreign holiday together. Yet, behind the couple's happy smiles lies a hidden desire. They turn to a mysterious local woman for help, but the truth of the situation is more destructive than they feared.
回复 :买了昂贵的大提琴,想要成就一番事业的小林大悟(本木雅弘 饰),经历了4个月的管弦乐演奏,得到的却是“乐团解散”的噩耗与购买乐器的高昂债务。迫不得已,大悟与妻子美香(广末凉子 饰)搬到老屋,过着清贫的日子。某日,一则广告吸引了大悟的注意:NK代理公司,帮助旅行,高薪短工时。大悟来到NK代理公司面试,社长佐佐木生荣(山崎努 饰)二话不说就决定聘用大悟,但却对工作内容避而不谈。在大悟的再三追问下,佐佐木社长终于道明:是入殓(日语Nou Kan)工作!虽然心理上有所忌惮,高额的薪水还是令大悟接受了这份工作。但这样的工作对普通人谈何容易,一方面对遗体的不适,一方面又要对妻友隐瞒自己的工作,小林大悟不平凡的工作就这样开始了。