回复 :个性张扬的街头嘻哈与高贵典雅的芭蕾可以在舞台上完美的契合,就像泰勒(钱宁 •塔图姆饰)与诺拉(珍娜•迪温)的结合一样。这是一个奇迹,还是一种宿命。泰勒是来自巴尔的摩的底层社会的反叛青年,诺拉是就读与贵族艺校的优秀的芭蕾舞学生。诺拉要参加的高级舞蹈比赛,需要一个舞技超群的舞伴,而泰勒刚好因为被罚在艺术学校社区服务而闯入诺拉的视野。泰勒随意自如的街头舞蹈吸引了诺拉,舞台上的一次次合作,让这两个同样执着于艺术的孩子擦出律动的火花。两条原本平行的直线,交汇于舞蹈的光辉。
回复 :On the day of a local coming-of-age ceremony, a generation of teenagers stumble into the void of suburban idealism.
回复 :While the rest of us - the other 7.9 billion people here on Earth - are going about our daily lives, looking straight ahead, there are another six people living off our planet 250 miles above our heads. These are the men and women of the International Space Station, whose home is a spaceship, an outpost in the cosmos. Drawing on breathtaking archive and interviews with astronauts, cosmonauts, colleagues and family members, THE WONDERFUL: STORIES FROM THE SPACE STATION brings together personal testimonies from the men and women who have been part of this extraordinary project - a remarkable achievement of technology, international collaboration, scientific endeavour and human bravery.