回复 :Barefoot roadtrip around Guinea in search of the first film made by a local filmmaker. A charming and cinematic adventure, where the journey and the destination are equally important, and a film about collective memory and porous film reels.Does a film exist if no one has seen it? Guinean film director Thierno Souleymane Diallo goes on a barefoot road trip around his country to find the mythical 1953 film ‘Mouramani’ – the first Guinean film made by a local filmmaker. But it is not easy to find the film or anyone who has seen it for that matter. Some believe it is about the Islamisation of the Mandinka people. Others that it is about the relationship between a dog and its owner. Along the way, Diallo passes old, abandoned cinemas and dusty piles of moisture-damaged film reels. ‘The Cemetery of Cinema’ is a charming, cinematic adventure in which the journey is almost as important as the destination, and where the encounters along the way remind us of the importance of preserving a shared memory and culturel heritage.
回复 :电影《台城1923》生动再现在那个战火硝烟的年代,全国第一个农村党支部和河北省第一个县委即“两个第一”诞生的艰辛历程。安平县台城村爱国青年弓仲韬,心怀忧国忧民之志,在革命先驱李大钊的悉心教诲和影响下,于1923年4月加入中国共产党,并回乡发展党员,建立党的农村基层组织。次年8月,在弓仲韬的带领下,选举产生了河北省第一个中共县委——安平县委。从此,这颗火种以星火燎原之势点燃了中原大地,中国农村革命掀开了崭新一页。
回复 :卢瑟斯(梅拉尼·罗兰 Mélanie Laurent 饰)是一名入行已久的职业杀手,常年浸淫在充满了血腥和杀戮的生活中,卢瑟斯身心俱疲,只希望能够找到机会,金盆洗手,回归正常平静的生活之中。为了实现自己的愿望,卢瑟斯接下了最后一个,也是最危险的一个任务,她将前往位于阿尔卑斯山上的一座城堡之中,杀掉在节日演唱会中登台表演的男高音亚里斯山大(Christopher Stills 饰)。让卢瑟斯没有想到的是,她的行踪暴露了,为了保护亚里斯山大,法国反间谍机构派出了名叫里克(科洛维斯·科尔尼拉 Clovis Cornillac 饰)的前特工,潜伏在卢瑟斯的身边,用尽一切手段,只为破坏卢瑟斯的行动。