亚洲When a new and dangerous "Outsider" chases an intelligent golden retriever in the South American jungles, Terror grips a team of ex-Military convicts sent to capture the creature.@www.molikan.com
亚洲When a new and dangerous "Outsider" chases an intelligent golden retriever in the South American jungles, Terror grips a team of ex-Military convicts sent to capture the creature.@www.molikan.com
回复 :
回复 : 瑞士有三个信奉基督教的农民因为邪念招来了邪恶力量,他们最终为此付出了沉重的代价.....这就是影片的开头,仿佛是妈妈讲童话故事一般,只不过这童话过于黑暗和晦涩,仅仅属于成人
回复 :金哈克曼饰杰森罗德上校,一心追查其在越南战场上失踪的儿子,他数度向美国政府陈情始终石沉大海,罗德绝望之余只好采取自力行动。罗德的苦衷获得德州油亨的资助,召集其子在陆战队服役时五位军中好友,经过数周艰苦的训练之后,七人毅然前往寮国展开一场惊险的营救行动。