视频Creation Stories tells the unforgettable tale of infamous Creation Records label head Alan McGee; and of how one written-off young Glaswegian upstart rose to irrevocably change the face of British culture.
视频Creation Stories tells the unforgettable tale of infamous Creation Records label head Alan McGee; and of how one written-off young Glaswegian upstart rose to irrevocably change the face of British culture.
回复 :The richest kid in the world, Richie Rich, has everything he wants, except companionship. While representing his father at a factory opening, he sees some kids playing baseball across the street. Richie wants to join in, but they don't want him around. When a plot to kill the Rich family is devised by Rich Industries' top executive, Laurence Van Dough, Richie must take over control of the company while searching for his lost parents with the help of some new friends.
回复 :篮球选手出身的公益勤务要员阳铉(安宰弘饰),被提拔为濒临解散危机的釜山中央高中篮球队的新教练,他想起自己高中时曾成为MVP的回忆,决心让这支球队起死回生。阳铉集结了曾备受瞩目却陷入低潮的天才选手基范(李信盈饰);因负伤而放弃梦想的全能小前锋奎赫(郑珍云饰);只拥有绝佳弹跳力的前足球选手顺圭(金泽饰);只有街头篮球经验的刚浩(郑乾柱饰);有7年篮球经历的板凳球员宰允(金慜饰);满腔热血、自称是迈克尔乔丹的振昱(安祗皞饰)这6名选手,终于在2012年全国高中篮球大赛中缔造奇迹……
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