回复 :Fed up with the lack of critical appreciation despite being a successful writer, Abhimanyu Roy (Ayushmann Khurrana) returns to his roots in Kolkata to write more meaningful literature and decides on an old-fashioned love story - which was now, 3 years in the making. This writer's block is called Bindu (Parineeti Chopra). How do you contain this unpredictable, crazy, restless, larger than life, live wire in the pages of a book? As Abhi says ''You know when a song comes on and you just have to dance? Bindu was that song. That silly infectious joyful tune you couldn't get out of your head - even if you wanted to." So where should he begin? Where should he end? But when Abhi stumbles across an old audio cassette of their favorite playlist, it sends Abhi down memory lane - and as he waltzes in and out of his past and present through the songs in the mixed tape, he finally faces reality and reconnects with his roots, with his family and his novel starts writing itself. Of course, life in ...
回复 :贺力王(樊少皇 饰)自幼蛮力过人,后经家族之世交善鬼(丹波哲郎 饰)指点,习得精纯硬气功。力王女友莹莹意外撞破毒贩交易,毒贩将莹莹捉回使其坠楼身亡,力王击毙毒贩为女友报仇,因此被关入国分监狱。时值2001年,监狱被私人承包成为盈利工具,犯人遭受残暴对待苦不堪言。力王不能容忍国分监狱北仓杀手山猫欺凌弱小,出手将其重伤,触怒北仓天王鸣海,副监狱长单眼蛇挑斗二人对决,力王出手轰杀鸣海,自此卷入与国分监狱四仓中其他三大天王黄泉、泰山、白神的连番战斗。力王烧毁监狱中的罂粟地,使度假归来的监狱所长(何家驹 饰)大为光火,而同样习练硬气功的所长,将是力王最强大的敌人……本片根据同名日本漫画改编。
回复 :长命百岁是否必然幸福? 孝与不孝如何界定? 离与留又该如何取舍?纪录片《伴生》娓娓道来两代人对生与死的价值观的差异和矛盾。有人因不忍父亲饱受病魔折磨及丧妻之苦,而祈求父亲能早归天家;有人因长期照顾患病父母而心生压力,渴望开展自己的生活;有人因母亲健康急转直下反而重建分隔多年的关系。 一生建构的种种链接,伴随死亡,是否能瞬间化为烟霞?"Does longevity bring happiness? Would it be unfilial if you wish the death for your father? Departure or continuous to suffer, a hard choice to make?Snuggle shows the value difference of 'life and death' between two generations. Someone wishes the death for his father because he cannot stand watching his father suffering from illness and loneliness; someone feels so stressed that she has to sacrifice her life to take care of her parents; someone happens to restore the relationship with his mother because she is unwell seriously. When it comes to death, would all those relationships we have in this life last for one more second?"第23届香港电影评论学会大奖