国产Several romantic stories unfold in a New York hotel the week before Christmas.
国产Several romantic stories unfold in a New York hotel the week before Christmas.
回复 :Based on a same-name 2013 short from Higginson, Relax follows Casper (Darby), a charming, but embarrassingly underprepared time traveler, now trapped in the past. When he befriends Holly (Graham), a jaded drifter, she helps him exploit his trivial knowledge of the future for a series of quick payouts, oblivious to the consequences they have set in motion. When tracked down by a more competent time traveler, Casper and Holly are forced to figure out what they mean to each other and whether the future they’ve threatened is even worth saving. Will they embrace their fate, or do they have the courage to change it?
回复 :青年漫画家夏秋的漫画《都市怪谈》最近引起了巨大反响,因为现实世界中频频出现与漫画内容相似的恶意行为。张小枫作为夏秋的新助理,被卷入这场事件当中。二人从陌生到熟悉的过程中,打破了对彼此的成见,逐渐成为挚友。 同时,张小枫与夏秋也发现漫画主编何抒怀相信关于“画灵师”与“金笔”的传说。何抒怀想要利用传说中“金笔“的力量,改变自己失败的人生,并且不惜伤害身边的朋友。原来,所有的恶意事件,都是何抒怀造成的,他利用夏秋的同情心,引夏秋带自己结识她的师傅,妄图从师傅手中得到”金笔“。
回复 :黑帮「福和」的丁卓飞(谢天华 饰)与反黑队督察段一凡(周柏豪 饰)是双方安插对方阵营的卧底。 丁卓飞在「福和」做了十年卧底,为了掩饰真实身份,他比别人更加心狠手辣,亦因此渐渐接近核心。但亲手拷问同袍,看著他们惨死,令丁卓飞开始厌倦这没有尽头的卧底工作…… 另一边,段一凡在反黑组步步高升,更有望成为最年轻的总督察。事业爱情皆美满的段一凡,开始渴望做一个真真正正的警察。他处心积虑想摆脱宋先生(陈启泰 饰)和他背后的「东利贸易」…一次「福和」及「东利」的毒品交易,原来是「福和」话事人找出双方叛徒的骗局。一黑一白两个警察,各自为自己的正义之途,走上你死我亡的对峙局面……