抓马侦探It follows Ayef. She has no time for love because of her dream of becoming an animator. She meets Manny, and they agree to a convenient relationship that will expire on the month she is set to leave for Singapore.
抓马侦探It follows Ayef. She has no time for love because of her dream of becoming an animator. She meets Manny, and they agree to a convenient relationship that will expire on the month she is set to leave for Singapore.
回复 :Fed up with being censored in their post-Trailer Park Boys lives, the out of work stars/world-renowned 'swearists', Mike Smith, Robb Wells and John Paul Tremblay decide to start their own uncensored network on the internet.
回复 :少林小子释小鱼(李庆誉饰)作为少林交换生来到了城市中小兰(贾笑涵饰)的家里,和小兰小北(黄洪铮饰)开启新的生活,并被校园中的跆拳道高手林秋楠(林秋楠饰)吸引住目光,想要用少林功夫与他一决高下。与此同时小兰的父亲张翔博士却被坏人控制,要求其交出最新科研成果“图灵九号”,殊不知“图灵九号”已被张翔寄给了女儿小兰,气急败坏的劫匪开始对张翔博士动手,并派出人手去小兰家盗取“图灵九号”。在小兰生日当晚劫匪派出手下将阿兰绑架,逼问张翔交出数据。危急时刻,小鱼与林秋楠联手施展绝学,用真功夫营救小兰与教授……
回复 :三原火山爆发时弄醒了沉睡的哥斯拉,牠为了补充能源,先後袭击了一艘日本渔船及苏联的潜航舰。日本政府反对运用核武,皆因会连累无辜的市民蒙受死伤。于是出动超级火战机正面跟哥斯拉交锋。同时,林田博士亦发现了哥斯拉会受一种电波影响,并且会随它归巢。因此打算让哥斯拉随电波掉进火山口,并且将哥斯拉歼灭。