回复 :《猪猪侠之五灵守卫者》片花刚播完,红胖子就穿越时空隧道来到现场。可别小看这只会打怪兽、会变身的小猪,不仅有超能力,还带来了最新的主题玩具产品。
回复 :Kai Nagisa, a normal high school girl who wishes to one day become a professional wrestler, is suddenly approached by a robot known as an Iczel. Iczel urges her to help save the Earth from invading aliens called Geas. The Geas, led by Chaos and Cross, are bent on stripping Earth's resources and then destroying it. To fight the invaders, Nagisa must merge with Iczel and become a battle-suited warrior named "Iczelion". She is reluctant to take up this sudden unbelievable task and fight with the other Iczelions of Earth because Nagisa just wants to live a normal life without having such big responsibilities. Nagisa must overcome her fears and fight, together with other Iczelions, to prevent the invading alien forces from destroying their homeplanet, Earth.
回复 :《雄兵连》系列是国内首部3D战争科幻类动漫作品,《雄兵连II诸天降临》为该系列故事最新续作,描述了在神河宇宙中各星系文明之间发生的科幻战争,一支由超级基因继承者们组成的军队——雄兵连,在地球面临外星入侵时一起奋勇抗敌的故事。本系列动画通过庞大完整的世界观,为观众粉丝展现一个史诗级动漫巨作。