回复 :军事物品寻宝家鲍伯查特和伙伴欧文索顿投注热情、赌上金钱和名声,展开永无止尽的搜集之旅,找寻令人向往的罕见军事物品。在Discovery频道的《古 董军武》节目中每集单元里,观众可以见识到各式的军事收藏品,包括战车、珍贵的美国大兵人偶、二次大战的火焰喷射器、海珊的宣传横幅和越战时期的直升机, 鲍伯和欧文将为客户找到理想的收藏品。这两位军事收藏品达人绝不轻言放弃,即使面对重重困难,他们仍竭尽所能地寻找!
回复 :The three-part series follows Jimmy Doherty as he visits British couples and families who have given up the rat race to live closer to nature in three very different locations. From tropical scuba diving on Bangka island, Indonesia to tracking bears in the wild and remote Yukon and spotting hippos on the Nile in Uganda, he gets under the skin of why these people have turned their back on their old lives and what challenges they face in their new ones.
回复 :Series in which Dr Adam Rutherford investigates the close relationship between discoveries in anatomy and the works of art that illustrate them.