回复 :Best friends Cliff and Otis plan to get rich quick by stealing from some of the most dangerous foes in the business: drug dealers. Going against the plan, the two spend the night partying, allowing the molikan.com audience to see that, in a certain light, the "bad guys" weren't really all that bad to begin with. Simply put, this film is just your everyday druggie, dramedy, indie musical that's filled with Germans, Jesus, banjos, bongos, beers, and bongs.
回复 :瘦虎(麦嘉 饰)和肥龙(洪金宝 饰)是警局里的最佳拍档,屡立奇功。这次,他们收到消息,前往追捕大毒贩太子德。不料,两人和太子德的一番龙争虎斗,竟然意外搅祸了香港警务处副处长的婚礼,虽然最终拘捕了太子德,两人却因激怒了上司而不得不暂时休假。两人趁闲来无事,前往新加坡旅 游,意外结识了两名当地女子并成为好友。岂料,这时太子德保释外出,为了报仇雪恨,特意雇了杀手前往新加坡找瘦虎、肥龙寻仇。两人虽然大难不死,但却连累了两位好友身受重伤。由于正在停职期间,两人决定以牙还牙!
回复 :When a shower of massive meteors threatens an extinction level event on Earth, the world's greatest minds devise a dangerous plan that will take the planet off its axis in order to avoid the impact.