回复 :杨明(黄秋生 饰)在黑道中浸淫多年,早已经爬到了大哥的地位,可是,多年的摸爬滚打让杨明感到疲惫不堪,他只希望能够卸下帮派之中的繁杂事务,过一种平静的生活。一次偶然中,杨明结识了名叫阿媚(蔡卓妍 饰)的茶餐厅老板娘,阿媚的温柔和善良让杨明印象颇深,随着时间的推移,杨明渐渐爱上了阿媚。然而,杨明并不知道的是,自己手下的小弟阿良(黄又南 饰)亦对阿媚有着特殊的感情,两个男人之间的关系因为阿媚的存在而变得暗流涌动。与此同时,比尔一直在打着杨明店铺的主意,看到杨明和阿媚交往甚密,他决定将进攻的目标放在阿媚的身上。杨明和阿媚都不知道,他们正在渐渐陷入一场阴谋之中。
回复 :《补锅打铜锣》由《打钢锣》、《补锅》两剧组成。前者写收成季节,生产队派蔡九打锣通知各户关好鸡鸭,不要放它们出来吃队里的谷子。林大娘明知故犯,蔡九对之进行教育,使她认识错误。后者写刘大娘对补锅行业缺乏正确认识,不愿将女儿嫁给补锅匠,后经事实教育,提高了认识。
回复 :During a cross-country lecture tour, notoriously acerbic radio personality Sheridan Whiteside slips on the icy steps of the house of the Stanleys, a prominent Ohio family, and is forced to recuperate in their home during the Christmas holidays. The overbearing, self-centered celebrity soon comes to dominate the lives of the residents and everyone else who enters the household. He encourages young adults Richard and June Stanley to pursue their dreams, much to the dismay of their conventional father Ernest.Meanwhile, Whiteside's spinster assistant Maggie Cutler finds herself attracted to local newspaperman Bert Jefferson. When she reads Bert's play, she is so impressed she asks Whiteside to show it to his contacts, and then announces she will quit his employment and marry Bert. However, her boss is loath to lose such an efficient aide and does his best to sabotage the blossoming romance...