回复 :蒋带喜与保罗同在殡仪馆打工,带喜因嗜赌如命,但次次都是奉赌必输,最后动脑筋动到死人头上了。一位妙龄少女因情而死,带来大批珠宝陪葬,带喜见机不可失,决心在半夜为女死者大殓之时,下手暂借她的陪葬品应急,希望在赌场大获全胜。大殓时突然发生尸变,带喜被尸变吓昏过去,将在医院变成了植物人,带喜因阳寿未尽,在阳间又变成了非法入境之徒,于是就大闹阴曹,弄得是阴阳两界鸡犬不宁……
回复 :Three sisters with quite different personalities and lives reunite when Babe, the youngest, has just shot her husband. Oldest sister Lenny takes care of their grandfather and is turning into an old maid. Meg, who aspires to make it in moxia.cc Hollywood as a singer and actress, has had a wild, man-filled life. Their reunion is joyful but also stirs up much tension.
回复 :In an attempt to eliminate all possible nationalist fractions, the Ching Emperor (Wong) orders the destruction of the Shaolin Temple - considered the focus of anti-Manchurian resistance. Asthe temple burns, the surviving 106 Shaolin disciples vow to penetrate the Imperial Palace and take ultimate revenge on the tyrant