回复 :讲述洛杉矶一对年轻夫妇和5岁女儿,以及两位离婚室友的故事。
回复 :Not only is Marinette Ladybug, the superheroine that protects Paris from the attack of villains, but she’s also now the guardian of the Miraculous. This means that not only does she need to keep her identity hidden, but also the existence of these turbulent, magical creatures, the Kwamis! Marinette has a lot of pressure, not to mention her school and love life! Now she has less time and opportunities to tell Adrien her feelings...Marinette now has to redouble efforts to protect her secrets and Ladybug will have to become stronger to face an indomitable adversary: Shadow Moth, who can now fuse the Butterfly and Peacock Miraculous! Thankfully, Ladybug can count on Cat Noir and their new superhero allies!
回复 :城田真昼(寺岛拓笃 配音)是一位平凡的十五岁少年,个性和善又正义感满满的他是朋友们眼中绝对的正派人物。某日,真昼在回家的路上遇见了一只无家可归的流浪猫,他收留了小猫,给它取名为小黑(梶裕贵 配音),哪知道这个举动使真昼被卷入了一场纠葛于吸血鬼和人类之间的百年争斗之中。在误打误撞之中,真昼和小黑签订了契约成为了小黑的主人,紧接着,小黑的吸血鬼真祖兄弟们接二连三的出现在他的身边。外表年幼内里老成的阿休(村濑步 配音)、不可一世傲娇毒舌的有栖院御园(下野紘 配音)、疯狂偏激的HYDE(木村良平 配音)、粗暴武断的利希特(岛崎信长 配音),他们的汇聚推动着历史的车轮向前驶去。