回复 :C.E.70年2月,地球联合军与ZAFT之间的武装冲突由于“染血的情人节”悲剧而全面升级为地球圈规模的战争。C.E.71年6月,在“非我即敌”的观念驱使下,地球联合军悍然发动了对中立国家奥布联合酋长国的侵略。当战斗进行到最激烈的时候,少年真飞鸟失去了父母和妹妹。唯一的遗物就只有妹妹掉落的手机。获救之后,背负着家仇的真黯然离开了故土奥布前往PLANT。两年后,他成为了ZAFT的战士......
回复 :《文脉春秋》聚焦20个各具特色的国家历史文化名城,以人物为线、名城为体、文脉为魂,感受中华文明的悠久历史与人文底蕴。观一城文脉,知古今春秋。这里有城市发展的营造智慧与奇迹,也有历史文化名城的文化传承故事。
回复 :We take our liberties for granted. They seem absolute and untouchable. But they are the result of a series of violent struggles fought over 800 years that, at times, have threatened to tear our society apart. On the frontline was a document originally inked on animal skin – Magna Carta. Distinguished constitutional historian David Starkey looks at the origins of the Great Charter in 1215 to check the abuses of King John - and how it nearly died at birth. He explores its subsequent deployment, its contribution to making everyone – even the monarch – subject to the rule of law, and how this quintessentially English document migrated to the North American colonies and eventually became the foundation of the US constitution. Magna Carta has become a universal symbol of individual freedom against the tyranny of the state, but with ever-tightening government control on our lives, is it time to resurrect it?