回复 :莱昂(安东尼·拉帕格利亚 Anthony LaPaglia 饰)人到中年,和妻子索尼娅(凯瑞·阿姆斯特朗 Kerry Armstrong 饰)之间的关系早已经十分疏远,名存实亡。家庭之外,莱昂有着一位交往甚密的情人简(蕾切尔·布雷克 Rachael Blake 饰),在简那里,莱昂能够短暂的找回自信和激情。索尼娅察觉到了丈夫的异样,但是她选择将一切的愤怒和痛苦隐藏在心底。心理治疗师瓦莱丽(芭芭拉·赫希 Barbara Hershey 饰)是索尼娅的树洞,常常开导和安危她,可是,瓦莱丽也必须面对自己内心里的黑洞——她的女儿成为了一场谋杀案中的受害者,她至今无法从失去女儿的悲痛之中走出来。某日,瓦莱丽突然失踪了,莱昂对她的下落展开了调查。
回复 :Jessica lives in fear of a man named Kevin who follows her everywhere she goes. While on a road trip, she reconnects with Elena, an old friend she hasn’t seen since high school. Elena has been hiding out at her deceased grandmother’s ranch in New Mexico.When Kevin mysteriously appears at the ranch, Jessica and Elena seek help from beyond the grave to get rid of him for good. But Kevin is different from other stalkers and won’t move on so easily.
回复 :Adolescence can be tough, especially for young queer people who haven’t quite figured it out. We Will Never Belong charts one teenager’s quest for the truth with style and grace. Emi has recently discovered that her mother is in love with another woman, and Emi’s not handling it well. She retreats to the community, where she was born, to stay with her father and his new family and to spend time with her maternal grandmother. Things are much less confusing at her father’s, at least until her extremely intriguing stepsister shows up. Emi soon begins to understand why her mother living her life authentically was so difficult to face. With nuanced performances and gorgeous cinematography, We Will Never Belong deals with complicated family and identity issues, and does so with incredible thoughtfulness and care.