女人The community that was exploited by the town's influential man, who completely rules due to the powerful backing of the authorities. A man collects evidence to flip him upside down when he was helpless to stop his endless torture.
女人The community that was exploited by the town's influential man, who completely rules due to the powerful backing of the authorities. A man collects evidence to flip him upside down when he was helpless to stop his endless torture.
回复 :The story of Crypto Boy kicks off in Amsterdam East, where young deliveryman Amir dreams of a better future but gets no further than delivering orders for Burrito, his father Omar's outdated Mexican restaurant. Meanwhile, their neighbourhood is in the midst of complete gentrification. Convenience stores are being replaced by trendy coffee bars, sushi shops and fitness studios – and much to Amir's frustration, his stubborn father is ignoring all his ideas for modernising Burrito. On the other hand, Omar sees his son as an irresponsible idler who isn't capable of taking over the restaurant.When a large real-estate company buys up the block and doubles the rent, father and son are at odds and in danger of losing the restaurant, and their home, for good. But when Amir ends up at a meetup with a charismatic young crypto entrepreneur, he sees a way to solve all their problems. Determined to show his father what he is worth, Amir loses himself in the rapidly growing crypto start-up while Omar watches with suspicion as his son drifts further away.
回复 :两个服役期间认识的男人结成深厚的友情,退伍后,一个娶了漂亮的老婆在餐厅里当三流水平却也努力向上的厨师,他在对其总是板起严厉苛求脸孔的妻子面前总是装做一幅忠诚维诺的样子,内心充满了叛逆的因子。而另一个则成为外币买卖界人气日上、前途无量的黄金王老五,表面风光无限,实则内心暴躁脆弱。我,朋友和妻子,两男一女组成的男男、男女和女男等多重复杂的关系,如杂乱的迷宫世界,不全是纯粹的同志爱情,也非真正的婚外遇,连最后的杀人放火的悲剧都不仅仅是发泄心中仇怨那么简单。无心引发的三角拉致关系渐渐走近崩溃毁灭的边缘。人性的丑陋和阴暗面显露出原本的模样,张牙舞爪地考验着每个人的抵抗能力。
回复 :1970年,一群南昌知青上山下乡,来到了江西德兴的大茅山,大茅山大队的周芳和笔架山大队的孙承志机缘巧合,相识于大茅山上的仙女潭,两人互生爱慕,却在一个除夕之夜偷尝了禁果,周芳怀了孕,在干活的时候突然晕倒,在那个年代,未婚先孕是绝对不允许的,知青队长肖天奇准备召开知青大会,逼迫周芳交出那个男人,周芳不从,被关进了小黑屋,暗恋她的陈明权偷偷过来给她送吃的,却被守在门外的民兵队长抓住,把陈明权当成了那个男人关了起来。周芳不堪受辱,也不想再连累更多人,准备跳湖自杀,所幸被村民张嫂一家所救。后来,周芳回了城,孙承志自首去换回了陈明权,一晃就是30多年过去了,两人怀着各自的目的重回大茅山,再次相遇……