回复 :年青演员甘国亮,独挑大樑,主演「蛇杀手」,演绎这个沉鬱又受社会歧视的变态青年,可谓入木三分。香港电影史上,以蛇杀人为题材,可谓绝无仅有,更难得导演桂治洪大卖血腥暴力之餘,又能成功刻划一个善良青年转变为杀人狂魔的过程,导演桂治洪大卖血腥暴力,凸显蛇杀人的惊心场面,技法出眾。人蛇之间的友谊,相当感人。最后一场,群蛇围堵大屋,肆意狂咬。最后一场,群蛇围堵大屋,肆意狂咬,为香港电影史上其中最噁心动魄一幕。
回复 :When their stolen jetski's break down a group of spring breakers come under attack by a great white shark.
回复 :After the accident, Rebecca discovers herself in a very different world than she remembers. Plagued by her patchy memory and self-doubt she fends for herself. She encounters Gary who tells her a terrifying story of his escape from the local jail. Can Rebecca trust Gary Can she cope with what she learns Can she survive in the world of the 'Infected'. Infected is a short horror film.