回复 :When an ex mercenary's love is kidnapped, he must save her from its tyrannical leader, who he was fathered by.
回复 :孤独年迈的古巴老渔夫圣地亚哥在连续八十四天没捕到鱼的情况下,不舍不弃,只身驾船赶赴人迹罕至的墨西哥海湾,终于在第五天钓上一条十八英尺长的大马林鱼。经过两昼夜的殊死捕斗,筋疲力尽的圣地亚哥最终降服了这条前所未见的大鱼,并把它绑在了小船的侧舷上。夜色降临,遍体鳞伤的圣地亚哥满怀喜悦地返航,却没料到,看似平静的海面上,一大群饿疯了的鲨鱼正循着血腥味尾随而来……
回复 :For many years no one knew what happened to nine-year-old Gabriel after a mysterious accident in the mountains. Years later the now teenage boy suddenly appears pleading a case of amnesia. Are we witnessing the return of a real son searching for his identity or the strategic calculations of an imposter?