回复 :Netflix土耳其原创科幻剧《守护者》第四季
回复 :A comedy trivia quiz based around pop music, originally hosted by Mark Lamarr up to October 2006, currently hosted by Simon Amstell. Te am captains Phil Jupitus and Bill Bailey (who replaced Sean Hughes in May 2002) are joined each week by different music stars. Popular rounds include one where team members have to identify song intros hummed to them and another where a bygone music star has to be picked out of a line-up of lookalikes.• Season 13Episode # Air Date# Guests13-01 08/Sep/03 Dick Valentine, Huey Morgan, Louise Redknapp, Alexei Sayle13-02 15/Sep/03 Har Mar Superstar, Raul Malo, Liz McClarnon, Mark Richardson13-03 22/Sep/03 Megaman, Martina Topley-Bird, Howard Jones, Jackie Clune13-04 29/Sep/03 Josie D'Arby, Joel Pott, Jane McDonald, Gavin Webster13-05 06/Oct/03 Wayne Sleep, Sian Evans, Clint Boon, Mike Wilmot13-06 13/Oct/03 Vic Henley, Myleene Klass, Andy Bell, Sinitta13-07 20/Oct/03 Adam Hills, Matt Hales, Guy Garvey, Jayne Middlemiss13-08 27/Oct/03 Simon Amstell, Kym Marsh, Romeo, Gary Wilmot13-09 28/Dec/03 Christmas Special
回复 :故事发生在民国初年,霍东阁(钱小豪 饰)是霍元甲的儿子,日寇侵袭,精武门的势力渐渐衰弱,霍东阁为了自保,偃旗息鼓,在码头从事着搬运工的工作。日渐紧张的时局让满腔爱国热血的陈公哲(刘志荣 饰)、卢雨亭(曾伟权 饰)等人十分焦急,他们找到了霍东阁,希望他能够重振精武门,涨一涨我方士气。与此同时,他们还传授给了霍东阁了得的武功,使得后者在武学方面获得了突飞猛进的长进。尽管母亲强烈反对霍东阁重振精武门的举动,但强烈的责任感还是驱使着霍东阁走上了这一条危机四伏的道路。他所要面对的,除了张牙舞爪的日寇外,还有贪婪狡猾的土豪劣绅,面对重重的阻碍,霍东阁和精武门的未来会是怎样一副光景呢?