草莓middle-aged woman, traumatized from the death of her adulterous lover, moves into a room at a New Orleans boarding house where the blind landlord becomes suspicious to her activities of continuing her affair with her dead lover
草莓middle-aged woman, traumatized from the death of her adulterous lover, moves into a room at a New Orleans boarding house where the blind landlord becomes suspicious to her activities of continuing her affair with her dead lover
回复 :In an intensely personal and often surprising film for BBC Two, Depression And Me, Alastair Campbell explores if radical new treatments can stop his depression.Campbell is best known for his role as Tony Blair’s formidable and often contentious spin doctor but, away from the public eye, he has been dogged by crippling bouts of depression for most of his life. Some days, just getting out of bed is too hard. Therapy and anti-depressant medication is helping him keep his head above water - but is that really the best he can hope for?Alastair Campbell says: “I’ve been on antidepressants for years and years and none of them can stop it. I want to understand my depression and find out if modern science has any better ways of treating it. I’m hoping there’s something out there that can help me lead a happier life.“I feel we are nearing a tipping point in the battle to demolish the stigma and taboo surrounding mental illness and TV is a very good medium for bringing these issues right out into the open. I have never regretted being open about my own issues but an important part of this film is also seeing my depression through the eyes of members of my family, especially my partner Fiona. I was also keen to get out there and find out what kind of progress was being made on the scientific and research front. There is a lot going on. My worry is that we are winning the battle for better awareness but losing the battle for the services we need."I was very pleased with the reaction to the film in Sheffield [at Doc/Fest]. One film alone cannot change the world but there is finally the focus on these issues that we need and hopefully one day we will have services to match.”
回复 :《出路》跟踪拍摄了三位来自不同社会阶层,历时六年追随三位主人公,记录下他们的梦想与当代中国现实的碰撞,这是不同地区的中国年轻人从学校步入社会的成长故事。来自北京的袁晗寒17岁辍学,3年后她游历完欧洲各国,考上了心仪的艺术学校,15年回国实习,在北京注册了她的艺术投资公司。湖北的徐佳,19岁,是咸宁高中的高三复读生,他已经复读了三次,最后如愿考上了一个二本。毕业工作2年后,2015年徐佳和相恋4年的女友决定结婚。来自甘肃的马百娟,12岁,在野鹊沟小学上二年级,条件艰苦,梦想能去北京上大学。2012年为了方便她上学,全家迁到宁夏,然而马百娟因为学习跟不上,第二年就退学了。15岁的马百娟独自来到陌生的城市打工,但因年龄和学历太低,屡屡碰壁。中国当代青少年有着怎样的未来?这是导演郑琼在拍摄三名中国青少年时探索的中心问题。
回复 :该片讲述崇尚精神恋爱的中文系高材生刘思桐初恋无疾而终,疗养情伤的她先后邂逅孙子华和东方凌睿两个性格迥异的男孩。刘思桐的感情会如同桐花恋那样唯美收场?还是陷入更深的情殇漩涡?历经时间考验才最终明白爱的真谛的故事!