依依影院Camilla is a lawyer and a mother to a teenage daughter. Her life turns upside down one night when she gets involved in a car accident. She starts her own investigation that will take her far away from the places she's familiar with.
依依影院Camilla is a lawyer and a mother to a teenage daughter. Her life turns upside down one night when she gets involved in a car accident. She starts her own investigation that will take her far away from the places she's familiar with.
回复 :High school student, Grover Beindorf, and his younger sister, Stacey, have a problem. Their parents, Janet (Curtis) and Ned (Pollak) are going to get a divorce. Desperate, Grover and Stacey lure their parents to the basement, lock it up, and declare their intentions to keep them there until they reconcile. When their friends find out what they have done, everyone agrees that their misbehaving parents deserve the same treatment!
回复 :电影《天下第一》主要讲述的是原本在自家烤鸭店过着平淡生活,长相帅气深受食客喜爱的少东家柳云飞,对初次来店的小仙儿一见倾心。为了俘获小仙儿的芳心,他二话不说带上好兄弟龙九与小仙儿师兄妹三人兵分两路开启了挑战天下第一陈秀之旅;而柳云飞在寻找天下第一的路上又阴差阳错与陈秀之女陈钰儿产生了纠缠不清的关系。一路上,两组人马之间碰撞出了奇妙的化学反应,产生了接连不断的笑点。
回复 :1987年恺撒奖最佳女主角和最佳男配角获得者。讲述了两个旧友重逢后,已经是著名乐手的布朗爱上了朋友之妻……皮埃尔是小提琴演奏者,邀请他的朋友才华横溢的马尔歇到家里吃饭,并把妻子罗曼尼介绍给他认识。罗曼尼和马尔歇却因此一见钟情。影片一改雷奈过往的跳跃风格,改走舞台剧的戏剧形式,故事由头到尾平铺直叙,仅仅以演员的功力和话剧式的对白取胜,简直是部话剧。雷奈的御用女星艾慈玛深厚的舞台经验使她脱颖而出,赢得凯撒奖的最佳女主角。