声生Sparks fly when a greeting card executive arrives in Santa Fe to acquire a tight-knit family company that creates ornaments inspired by Mexican Christmas traditions.
声生Sparks fly when a greeting card executive arrives in Santa Fe to acquire a tight-knit family company that creates ornaments inspired by Mexican Christmas traditions.
回复 :Foal and his friend John go on an unforgettable journey as they outsmart the tyrant King, catch the fire-bird and find John's true love upon the magic roads.
回复 :刚刚乘汽轮抵达神户港的小蝶(池玲子 饰),被女扒手好美(愛川まこと 饰)当作毒品运输人带到藏毒窝点,遭到黑社会分子的严刑拷问。千钧一发之际,从监狱出来的混混让二(内田良平 饰)解救了小蝶。小蝶旋即抓住好美,得知自己误被拷问的原因。原来码头黑帮的残党浅吉(安部撤 饰)等众,利用女扒手从横滨偷运毒品,阴差阳错遭遇小蝶。让二入狱中其老大被人杀害,老大独生女清子(星野みどり)下落不明。他和小蝶联手追查,发现一切都指向了毒品贩运团伙,一场恶战在所难免……
回复 :长腿姑娘胡亭亭沉默内向,妹彬彬则活泼好动。亭因性格高傲,迟迟未有恋爱对象,令母陈静芳焦急万分。芳为求攀龙附凤,强逼丈夫与女儿出席富贵友人的生日会。宴会上,姊妹俩结织了富家子金却利和车行工人小金。利向亭,彬大献殷勤,亭不屑一顾,反而对忠厚朴实的金萌生好感,二人旋即堕入爱河,却遭劫利的芳反对。利转而追求彬,被顽皮的彬连番戏弄,吃尽苦头。后芳得知金实为车行代理商的儿子,遂欣然接受金与亭的婚事。