波兰百佳之一,无码根据波兰三十年代画家Jan Malisz及其妻子Maria Malisz真实谋杀案改编,讲述一对受压迫的贫穷夫妻不得不走上犯罪之路的故事。
波兰百佳之一,无码根据波兰三十年代画家Jan Malisz及其妻子Maria Malisz真实谋杀案改编,讲述一对受压迫的贫穷夫妻不得不走上犯罪之路的故事。
回复 :Two high level scuba-divers and long-time friends, Don and Dave, broke a world record for depth in the Boesmansgat cave in South Africa. It would take them 15 minutes to reach the bottom, but 12 hours to surface. Having reached the bottom, against all odds, they find a body. They decide to come back and retrieve it. They call the parents, enrol 8 fellow divers, and hire a cameraman to document the dive. The camera will follow them throughout the preparation and the dive, including to the bottom of the cave. Little did they know that on that historic dive, Dave would not be coming back. In this time of over-performance driven by self-promotion and self-filming comes Boesmansgat, a story of loss and mourning where egoism and altruism, hubris and self-control, risk-taking and spirituality all go hand in hand. A cascade of choices and tense paradoxes that lead to a tragedy long foreseen, yet impossible to prevent. Written by AADP
回复 :敦厚善良的曹小强(徐铮饰)是一家食品公司的销售经理,没有显赫的家世,工作也普普通通。本来过着平静而循规蹈矩的生活,可这一切随着周边朋友同学的纷纷结婚生子而打破。三十五岁的“剩男”曹小强,就这样成了孤家寡人。作为家里的独子,他的母亲更是急得“有病乱投医”。曹小强先后跟外表坚强内心脆弱的刀马旦谷清(梅婷饰),天真闹腾的90后老师伍小六(曹苑饰),现实物质的蔡微澜(马苏饰),外企高管徐若云(车晓饰),一心只有事业的工作狂赵凯(宋佳饰),离异带子的老同学刘晨曦(张歆艺饰),展开了一段段无疾而终的爱情故事。在浩浩荡荡的相亲大队中,曹小强最终又能否抱得美人归,步入婚姻的殿堂呢?
回复 :本剧为铃木收编剧的引退之作,改编自同名漫画,讲述了大报社社会部的王牌记者冈谷渡目睹了妻子的出轨行为,决定离婚。 为了赢得女儿的抚养权,他做了大量准备工作,包括更换部门和在家工作,但他咨询的律师却认为父亲赢得抚养权的几率只有10%。 此外,他妻子的情人也有不为人知的过去。渡和他的侦探搭档努力收集妻子出轨的证据,在胜算只有10%的情况下,打了一场艰难的官司。