缠绵A police chief hires an old friend, who is an international spy, to help him search for a wanted suspect in the Philippines. When the chief dies, all evidence points towards the spy, and he must go to extremes to defend himself.
缠绵A police chief hires an old friend, who is an international spy, to help him search for a wanted suspect in the Philippines. When the chief dies, all evidence points towards the spy, and he must go to extremes to defend himself.
回复 :二十多年前,「日冕女王号」在人人闻之色变的百慕达三角洲失去踪影,如今却突然神秘现身而被海岸防卫队发现;亚伦因父母为当年随船失踪的乘客,因而自此一心一意找寻「日冕女王号」的行踪,而事实的真相亦随著船上的乘客埋藏在百慕达三角洲里。 为了查出这神秘事件背后的原因,七个人登上「日冕女王号」的甲板做进一步的调查,但不久后便开始发生恐怖的意外,死者亡灵向登船的人员发出警告:造成该船二十年前意外的祸首,如今即将变本加厉、卷土重来…
回复 :被第四类接触掳走的老豆化作畸变怪狗归家,寄生妇孺,石屎森林异象丛生:摇摇锤小丑,割喉溜溜球,巨大化玩具兵坦克黑豹轰杀食人,被害者感染作茧产卵……英式怪奇cult片,尺度比好莱坞大不少啊
回复 :改编自山本直树的短篇漫画,以寂寥的温泉街为舞台,刻画了雕師邮递员·鹰巢明和性无能的寡言诗人「企鹅」,以及企鹅粉丝“月夜之星”三角关系的故事。