无码icky finds a ring which leads to the start of an archaeological dig.
无码icky finds a ring which leads to the start of an archaeological dig.
回复 :周文俊是警方卧底,以为任期快满可以重当警员,却在此时接获新任务,负责调查荣叔主持的黑帮集团,周无奈接受。此时他巧遇多年好友安,原来安早已投靠荣叔,是他的得力助手。在安引荐下,俊混入集团调查,期间更搭上荣妻Helen。荣另一助手亚虎因安、俊二人被重用而不服,安其实早想退出,他知道虎对他不满,便借故与妻归隐。安之业务由俊接手,警方开始怀疑他,他却并未因此停止调查。亚虎乘机发难,把荣杀死,并嫁祸给俊。俊走投无路,去投靠安,安夫妻二人受牵连而死。至此俊怒不可竭,决定找虎报仇,血战后终于把匪帮消灭。此时,警方至,见俊立了大功,方才重新确认其警员身份。
回复 :A celebrated author's story about a genetic experiment morphs into reality, when it is read by three strangers. Trapped in a room, the four discover that one of them must be killed to save the rest from an escaped undercover recruit.
回复 :淫僧知圆和尚利用红莲寺窝藏掳来的妇女。桂武误进贼巢,成为甘榴子的女婿,因不愿同流合污,决与妻子联珠连夜出走。后得金罗汉的神鹰相助,合力除掉奸贼,并火烧红莲寺,救出被困妇女。