回复 :在金河之战中,尼恩的情人不知去向,美貌娇丽的她带着心爱的大象梅伊冒险前往尸骨遍野的丛林中寻找,一伙寻宝盗贼强行轮奸了她,惨死的尼恩附身于一只猛虎身上,继续寻找她的情人……她的情人转世为一个猎人,一个不杀老虎的奇怪的猎人;而杀害她的凶手转世成为一个美丽的混血女子朱丽亚,是一群猎户的首领……丛林中的报复由此展开……,朱丽亚的手下逐一离奇惨死,此时更恐怖的事情接连发生,灵虎化身为一女子,抢夺她的情人……
回复 :In ancient Japan, a good lord is killed and his throne is taken by the trecherous Yuki Daijo and his wizard friend Oroki-maru. The young prince Ikazuki-maru is rescued from the jaws of death by moxia.cc a magic bird sent by a wizard. Ten years later, Ikazuki-maru embarks on an adventure to avenge his parents and the wizard's death with his magic powers he learned from the wizard. He kills Yuki Daijo but then must battle Oroki-maru in a battle to the death.
回复 :Sabina, a divorced mother of two small children, falls in love with an old friend from the Bosnian war. The two plan to marry, but things go terribly wrong.Sabina K. is inspired by a true story set in Bosnia and Herzegovina. The Sabina of the title plans to marry Sasa (with whom she served during the Bosnian War), but there is a problem. Sabina is Muslim and Sasa a Catholic, and their respective families disapprove of the marriage. Their only ally is an older woman, Ankica, whose son - killed in the war - had been their close friend. Aunt Ankica thinks of Sabina and Sasa as her own children and invites them to her home on the island of Korcula to get married. Springtime comes and Sabina travels to Korcula where she is reunited with Ankica and where the two women wait for Sasa to join them from Zagreb. The days pass... Sasa never arrives... and with a heavy and troubled heart, Sabina returns to Sarajevo. She discovers that Sasa has taken all his things from her apartment and moved out. There is no note; no explanation. Sabina goes to Sasa's mother for answers, but the deeply embittered woman treats her harshly and calls the police.