回复 :影片讲述知名滑雪选手凌风因一场事故,职业生涯陷入谷底,为了挽救自己热爱的事业,重返家乡回到起点,在一群青年雪友的帮助下,一边寻找恩师,一边找回初心与勇气,最终突破极限,破茧蜕变的故事。
回复 :于当地时间2020年5月7日首播。 (原定于4月30日,已推迟)NBC宣布续订《盲点》第五季(最终季)。2019年5月10日,《盲点》获得第五季续订。
回复 :Ali Nejat Karasu is a former race-driver and a playboy turned into a businessman. He runs Karas Holdings which is part of a group his father built while making a fortune in ship building. His real passion is still cars and he dreams of launching a new car. While on business trip in Italy with his friend Ayhan, they come across Naz, a charming pediatrician who makes an impression on both of them. Due to unforeseen circumstances Ali Nejat finds himself as a single father to his previously unknown son, Kaan. While trying to balance his life as a new father and a businessman, Ali Nejat ends up leaning on Naz for help. Naz, whom Kaan has met before, becomes important person in their lives. Umut, Naz's husband, works as a mechanic with Genco and Isot in a small local garage which is struggling to stay in business. His skills as a designer gets the attention of Ali Nejat, who hires him as a designer for his car project. Bad decisions in business keep haunting Umut and Genco, and cause a ...