回复 :As a child, Luther Watts was deeply affected by seeing a circus geek (someone who bites the heads off live chickens in a circus sideshow). Finally paroled after serving 20 years in prison, he terrorizes the residents of his hometown by making chicken noises, crowing like a rooster and attacking people. He winds up at a farm run by a woman and her daughter, where he takes them captive and then starts killing off her neighbors. The mother realizes she and her daughter must escape before he kills them, too.
回复 :如果有一百万美金放在你面前,你会想要得到它吗?出国归来的张博(张亮 饰)受人之托,要将百万美金送出境,同时青梅竹马的冯乐琪(辛芷蕾 饰)正在竭力调查一起假币案。两人连同各阶层爱财之人,意外卷入百万美金的陷阱中。真真假假的钞票、虚虚实实的情愫,每个人都成了局中人,一场好戏正在上演。
回复 :Allan自一场意外事故后沦为自暴自弃的神经机能发生障碍者,友人致力于动物智力开发研究,并将一研究对象Ella,一只聪明的猴子赠予Allan,聪明的Ella肩负起起Allan的生活起居。但好景不长,猴子Ella开始显露出强烈的控制欲和疯狂的报复心,甚至伤害了Allan至亲的人。最后,Allan又能否走出这一困境呢?