亚洲区A newly engaged couple's ski weekend goes horribly awry, when an unexpected guest arrives and the house's dark supernatural forces begin to rise.
亚洲区A newly engaged couple's ski weekend goes horribly awry, when an unexpected guest arrives and the house's dark supernatural forces begin to rise.
回复 :An attack on the new President of a fledgling Eastern European democracy pits an American covert operative against the country's ruthless military leader determined to seize control of the government.
回复 :1998年,以硕泰(金允石 饰)为首的五人团伙“白魅”绑架了某位高权重之人的幼子。行动失败后,他们并未撕票,而是将男孩收作养子,并有意识地培养起成为杀手接班人。转眼将近二十年时光过去,得名华颐(吕珍九 饰)的男孩已经长大,成为清秀帅气的高中生。硕泰遵照上线的指示犯下一连串恶性罪案,他有意让华颐踏入此道,但男孩自幼便仿佛具有能看见怪物的能力,以至于在关键时刻总功亏一篑。在某次行动时,华颐意外获悉自己的身世之谜,可在硕泰不得不开枪射向和他有血缘关系的男人。一意孤行的硕泰,越来越不满的上线组织,始终追查白魅的警官,华颐的命运被卷入漩涡之中……
回复 :故事讲述的是一个公主要寻找五个最伟大的骑士帮助她从邪恶的巫婆手里拯救她的王国.