回复 :Netflix 全新原创剧集《杀手裁缝铺》由 BKM 出品,著名导演布拉克·阿克萨克联合赛尔朱克·艾代米尔共同执导,并由恩金.尤兹图尔克领衔主演。该节目将于 2021 年 1 月 27 日在 Netflix 上面向全球上映。获得第二次机会很容易,但充分利用它却比人们想象的要困难得多。戈尔格被纳迪尔抚养长大,并受其差遣。他已经不记得自己的童年,但仍在寻找那张将他与过去联系在一起的照片。带着纳迪尔的秘密,戈尔格逃到了附近名为 Güzelce 的地方,在一个 50 平米的裁缝店里避难。附近的居民认为他是最近去世的裁缝阿迪尔的儿子阿德姆。无论周围环境多么具有挑战性,戈尔格都会改变周围环境,而周围环境也会改变戈尔格。
回复 :《无理的前进》是韩国KBS电视台于2015年10月5日起播出的月火迷你连续剧,由李恩真导演,尹秀晶编剧,郑恩地、李源根、蔡秀彬、金志洙主演 。该剧主要讲述了围绕着高中拉拉队的友情和爱情展开的青春故事,通过描述某高中的拉拉队部整合过程中发生的事以强调教育文化的故事。
回复 :The legend continues... With new allies and old enemies, Robin Hood returns for a third series full of thrilling adventures as Robin and his gang continue to outwit the dastardly Sheriff and his forces. As the series begins, the outlaws are in disarray. Marian is dead and Robin has split up the gang and launched a solo mission to avenge her and kill Gisborne. It is only the intervention of the mysterious Tuck that stops Robin joining Marian in an early grave. Which is bad news for Gisbourne and the Sheriff. Under pressure from Prince John, they must take down Robin Hood once and for all. When the prince, tired of their ineffectualness and bad leadership, arrives in Nottingham to reprimand the Sheriff and Gisbourne, it becomes clear that there is only room forone sidekick at his table,but which one?