回复 :OVA1 小史玛隆的少年王(前编)(发行日期:10/26/2007) OVA2 荣冠为谁而存(发行日期:11/30/2007) OVA3 干渴的风(发行日期:12/28/2007) OVA4 爱之少女(发行日期:2/29/2008) OVA5 小史玛隆的少年王(後编)(发行日期:3/28/2008)
回复 :Walerian Borowczyk唯一的一部动画长片,原长80分钟,之后出了个几分钟的concert精简版。This is perhaps one of the funnies, yet most bizarre movies I have ever seen. I am in awe. Heavily surreal. Every scene has so much creative power and craziness you just can't avoid being fascinated by it.There's a story too of course, but I'm not sure I'd dare to try and explain it.. It was all so confusing. Well, there's Mrs. Kabal.. a funny old lady which seems to think she's something important(like the old lady in Sunset Blv. or something..) And there's butterflies, and Mr. Kabal, and a huge house.. and these strangelooking creatures.. and so much details. Its so funny. At one point Mr. Kabal tries to puncture a hole in Mrs. Kabals huge chest, and instead of it shrinking.. the whole woman grows into a giant! And then Mr. Kabal finds the hole in her stomach and comes into this huge building inside her with stairs, windows and stuff..And then Mrs. Kabal was shouting at him to do tasks in there. It was all pretty weird to follow. But there was a story going on. See this if you get the chance!
回复 :花木兰是家中的长女,性格爽朗率真,父母极力想帮女儿找到一个好归宿,可是多次努力未果。此时却收到了北方匈奴侵略的消息,朝廷召集各家各户的壮丁。木兰父亲也在名单之内,木兰不忍年迈残疾的父亲征战沙场,决定割掉长发,偷走父亲的盔甲,决定女扮男装代父从军。花家的祖先为了保护木兰,便派出了心地善良的木须从旁帮忙。从军的过程中,木兰凭着坚强意志,通过了一关又一关的艰苦训练,她的精神也感动了所有战友。就在战况告急的时候,她也被发现了女子的身份。她被遗留在雪地中,而最后也是她的及时出现,顺利协助大军击退了匈奴。