导 演徐元奇编 剧钱艺兵主 演徐元奇、免费洪紫琳片 种故事片类 型剧情、免费情感伦理出品单位北京弄影堂文化传媒有限公司长 度89分钟出品年代2010剧情简介影片讲述了扬州市维扬公安分局友谊社区民警徐兆华从警13年,扎根基层一线,照顾辖区贫困孤幼的各种感人事迹。徐兆华用忠诚履行责职,视百姓为亲人的大爱情怀诠释了执法为民的宗旨,谱写了新时期和谐警民关系的感人篇章,公安部授予徐兆华全国公安系统一级英雄模范等荣誉称号。
导 演徐元奇编 剧钱艺兵主 演徐元奇、免费洪紫琳片 种故事片类 型剧情、免费情感伦理出品单位北京弄影堂文化传媒有限公司长 度89分钟出品年代2010剧情简介影片讲述了扬州市维扬公安分局友谊社区民警徐兆华从警13年,扎根基层一线,照顾辖区贫困孤幼的各种感人事迹。徐兆华用忠诚履行责职,视百姓为亲人的大爱情怀诠释了执法为民的宗旨,谱写了新时期和谐警民关系的感人篇章,公安部授予徐兆华全国公安系统一级英雄模范等荣誉称号。
回复 :A powerful and inspirational story of dedication, danger, fear, and the rare 'will' some of us have to defy all personal limitations. Experience one of the fastest mostorsports on earth through the eyes of four-time world champion Scott Dixon and the Chip Ganassi Racing team. Filmed with an access all areas lens, 'Born Racer' follows the people who are passionate about the world of auto racing and asks why some individuals feel compelled to face danger and risk their lives in order to win. Both action-packed and highly-intimate it features an intense blend of up close and personal filming with never-before-seen spectacular, cutting-edge racing footage to explore a sport that defines the very people who inhabit it, and pushes them to the edge in their desire for success.
回复 :A true story about a gay boy growing up in the collapsing USSR, his courageous mail-order bride mother, and their adventurous escape to Seattle in the 90s.
回复 :福尔聂(Claude Mann 饰)只是一介平凡的小小白领,某日,在好友卡隆(Paul Guers 饰)的带领下,他来到了一间赌场想试试运气,哪知道竟然赚得盆满钵满,这飞来横财令福尔聂开始对赌博产生了浓厚的兴趣,甚至不顾父亲的劝说,打算放弃工作,前往大名鼎鼎的天使湾赌场好好干他一票。在天使湾赌场,福尔聂邂逅了名为杰基(让娜·莫罗 Jeanne Moreau 饰)的美艳金发女郎,和福尔聂的小试身手不同,杰基将自己的全部都投入到了赌局之中,赌博不仅是她的信仰还是她的生命。随着时间的推移,福尔内和杰基渐渐坠入了情网,当福尔聂对这种数字游戏感到乏味想要回到巴黎继续生活之时,嗜赌如命的杰基陷入了深深的无助之中。