高跟A vice inspector for the Paris police takes special interest in the plight of drug-addicted Lucky whom he considers to be more victim than criminal.
高跟A vice inspector for the Paris police takes special interest in the plight of drug-addicted Lucky whom he considers to be more victim than criminal.
回复 :黑道兄妹,赌命赌狠、拼死找你算帐!!程丽莺是同心帮老大程至高的独生女儿,狂傲有野心,有心继承同心帮老大之宝座,她先与同心帮最有实力的李正一,通奸在前,再与老大最赏识的吴荣华热恋在后。李正一为情而拼斗吴荣华,使老大程至高深感失望,李正一接受惩处。吴荣华却认为黑道险恶,用利刃挑断脚筋,使自己成为跛脚残缺人,脱离同心帮。程至高不齿丽莺之行为,气怒攻心,不幸逝世。丽莺成为财产之继承人。但同心帮来打之宝座遭受到李正一争夺。她与他依照帮规“赌狠赌命”。可是比是殴斗,丽莺决不是李正一之对手。她提出以自己的丈夫为代表人
回复 :愁云密布的20世纪中叶,出身日本普通家庭的杉原千亩(唐泽寿明 饰)凭借卓越的语言天赋和情报分析能力进入日本外务省,并被外派到伪满洲国外交部工作。他在工作中出色彰显了自身的实力,也被苏联方面判定为“不被欢迎之人”。在1939年,杉原千亩赴任立陶宛的大使馆,随时监视着欧洲大国的动向。未过多久,德国悍然向波兰发动闪电袭击,破坏力巨大且深远的第二次世界大战旋即拉开序幕。由于残酷的种族清洗,成千上万犹太人沦为难民。他们扶老携幼,寻找一切可能而微茫的求生机会。最终他们涌向日本驻立陶宛大使馆,乞求杉原千亩发放过境签证逃亡。迫于和德国的同盟关系,日本方面拒绝难民的请求。站在国家利益和人性的交界处,杉原千亩做出了重大的决定……
回复 :Emilia, 17, arrives at her Aunt Ines' hostel at the border between Argentina and Brazil, looking for her long lost brother. In this luxuriant jungle, where local myths and legends abound, a dangerous beast believed to be the spirit of an evil man taking the form of different animals seems to be roaming around. On a journey to sexual awakening, Emilia will have to confront her past in order to kill the beast.