播放Two young men who are in love and get bullied by a group of neo-Nazi skinheads that makes their life difficult as hatred and intolerance seeps into the rapport between their relatives and respective families.
播放Two young men who are in love and get bullied by a group of neo-Nazi skinheads that makes their life difficult as hatred and intolerance seeps into the rapport between their relatives and respective families.
回复 :一个是工于心计的霸道女总裁,一个是温柔内敛的年下小奶狗。因一场阴差阳错的相亲达成约定,二人一路携手同行,开启了啼笑皆非的婚姻生活。
回复 :人生失意的B超师曹卢医(金世佳 饰)经人介绍来到了东山庭院疗养院工作。在这里,曹卢医看到了另一个如世外桃源般不同寻常的世界,也结识了刘英俊(邱泽 饰)和吴燕子(张钧甯 饰)这一对特殊的恋人。他们笨拙却无比坚定的爱情慢慢改变了隐藏着秘密的曹卢医。而直到一场意外的降临,让所有人都陷入了艰难的抉择……
回复 :讲述了女主角经历了不幸的童年,在之后的成功人生中试图摆脱自己的欲望和执念的故事。2023.04开拍。