回复 :1992年歲末,一群黑面琵鷺在台南七股遭到不明人士惡意槍殺,引發全台民眾高度矚目。當時奉派採訪的攝影家王徵吉,自此也走上長達三十年的守護黑面琵鷺之路。在當年,全世界黑面琵鷺的總數只有不到300隻,這個瀕危物種獲得來自許多國家的關注。不同領域的愛鳥人,以跨國合作的用心,為開拓黑面琵鷺的生存空間披荊斬棘。其中的奉獻者包括學者、繪本作家、賞鳥人、基層公務員、養殖業者,以及更多的無名英雄,每個人都有自己的私房黑面琵鷺故事。而專情黑面琵鷺三十年的王徵吉,即使經歷喪妻、罹癌等生命逆境,也仍不改其志。如今,全球黑面琵鷺數量已經超越6000隻,但牠們並非就此高枕無憂,保育之路仍然持續繼續下去…。
回复 :Catherine Bomarzini (Sherilyn Fenn), travels back to her family castle in Italy after her father's death. Overwhelmed with excitement, Catherine invites her best friend Gina (Charlie Spradling) to spend the weekend. Gina and Catherine discover a local carnival outside the castle gates. Curious they wander to the carnival to enjoy the show and acts. Pleased with the performance, Gina invites the head magician Lawerence (Malcom Jamieson) and his crew to the castle for dinner. Drugged and seduced, Catherine finds herself drawn into a mysterious love triangle with the handsome magician and a creature of the night whose gentle eyes and touch reveal his infinite love. Is this creature real or an illusion? Guided by the ghost of a slain ancestor and the advice of the castle caretaker Martha (Hilary Mason), Catherine discovers the ancient curse that enshrouds the Bomarzini Castle... a curse that only she can dispel.
回复 :保罗(科林·费斯 Colin Firth 饰)是英格兰阿森纳球队的超级球迷,这么多年来,球队的每一场比赛他都未曾错过,亦十分关注球队的动态与动向。正是保罗对于足球的热情拉近了他与女教师休斯(Ruth Gemmell 饰)之间的距离,随着时间的推移,两人的爱情在足球的基础 上愈演愈烈。可惜的是,保罗将全身心都投入到了足球中,这让他在无形之间冷落了休斯,甚至当休斯身怀六甲之时,保罗也未能尽到作为一名父亲应尽的责任。悲愤之中,休斯压抑已久的不满全部爆发了出来,她和保罗之间的感情也出现了裂痕。阿森纳球队即将面临一场至关重要的球赛,它们能否取得最终的胜利呢?保罗和休斯之间的感情又会面临怎样的结局呢?