回复 :The story revolves around Estelle, an incomparably professional long-haul pilot/captain who leads a perfectly structured life alongside her loving and protective husband Guillaume. Everything seems to be going well, although the endless flights and bouts of "jet lag" are beginning to upset the young woman’s biorhythms, especially her sleep. One day, in a corridor in Nice airpor...
回复 :Three years after having survived the events of the first film, Michelle (Lexi Dripps) is now in college. However, she is still plagued with the questions of what truly happened after what she believes was only a ritualistic attack that killed all her friends.With the ban on Halloween lifted in her hometown, the sorority girls of Gamma Tau Psi place Michelle and her best friend Heather in charge of the annual haunted house. Unfortunately for Michelle some uninvited trick or treaters from her past come knocking…
回复 :学识渊博伟岸帅气的任智勋(李忠秀 饰)是小有名气的精神科医师,他偏向冷静思维人与人之间的情感,将一切都归于最理性科学解释,内心虽感深深孤独,却时常和不同的女子夜夜欢歌,双栖双宿,一味沉湎肉体的欢愉。他的同事兼好友俊基则不然,是一个追求真爱的传统男子。俊基通过相亲结识美丽的提线木偶师贤贞(具智成 饰),然而对方仿佛隐藏的无尽的心事。贤贞时常会看到恐怖的鬼影出现在她的面前,有时会莫名其妙失去知觉。为了帮助女友摆脱困境,俊基拜托智勋采用催眠的办法为贤贞治疗。催眠过程中,贤贞讲述了自己隐秘的过去,并开始表现出妖冶鬼魅的人格。禁不住诱惑,智勋利用催眠跨越禁区,全然不计任何后果……