笑春A stately home robbery takes an evil turn one night when a gang of young thieves are caught by the owners of the house and then hunted across the estate for the proprietor's entertainment
笑春A stately home robbery takes an evil turn one night when a gang of young thieves are caught by the owners of the house and then hunted across the estate for the proprietor's entertainment
回复 :結婚して三年経つ亜紀と祐介は、セックスが最近マンネリしていることに互いに不安を感じていた。祐介は雑誌でスワッピングを募るコーナーを見つけ、やってみないかと亜紀に持ちかける。最初は拒否する亜紀だったが、まずはメールのやりとりだけという祐介の提案につい合意してしまう。その日から亜紀は会ったことのないカップルの赤裸々なセックス描写に妄想を掻き立てられ、卑猥な夢を見るようになる…。
回复 :"Bloom Up" is the true story of Hermes and Betta, an Italian couple who have been exchanging for over 4 years. The docuflm highlights their daily life on the one hand: at work, at home, their daughter and interests; and the attraction for the swinging world and its practice on the other: meetings, parties, dinners, car sex and much more. Everything is told and shown "without flters". The camera "pawns" the two main charachters within a "perverse" world sweetened by the sweet and gentle soul of the couple.
回复 :“水鬼”俗称“水猴子”,民间传言是死者怨气所化。那些淹死、投水自杀或意外而死的人,会徘徊在淹死的地方,变成水鬼,然后在水里耐心的等待、引诱,或是强迫人落水而死,来当自己的替死鬼。千百年来,水鬼无忧无虑的靠这个方法投胎转世,摆脱来自地狱的苦难。民国时期,有一处四面环山叫做“天水村”的地方,太姥爷就在那里出生,村民们在村长钱兴的带领下,虽不富足,却也过着安稳的日子。直到有一天晚上,太姥爷坐船回来,村里开始频繁出现各种诡异的事……