回复 :欢迎来到娜斯佳的世界——娜斯佳和她的父母会在这里玩耍、学习、唱歌、探索并分享他们的生活经历。每天都会有数百万来自世界各地的儿童和家庭加入到纳斯蒂亚的队伍当中,我们会一起探索世界,并一起学习歌曲、数字、自然、颜色、形状、动物,以及学习吃健康食品、洗手、如何与朋友交往等等... 这里有专业的演员,可爱的角色,行为学习,有趣的活动,充满教育意义的内容等等。该节目取得了巨大的成功,是一款优秀且出色的儿童节目。
回复 :It’s summer and a group of young women head off for a week to a house in the country in order to rehearse a play. In the peace and quiet of their natural surroundings, which provide a refuge from the intense heat of the sun, the women go through the text and dress up in their ruched period costumes, while in easy conversation they share their secrets, and also have little adventures. This enchanting debut by Itsaso Arana, who co-wrote and starred in August Virgin (Official Selection – Competition, KVIFF 2019), provides an opportunity to stop for a moment, to breathe in the warm air and settle back in the open embrace of this company of women. After all, what kind of summer would it be without girls, a campfire, songs and a touch of magic?源自:https://www.kviff.com/en/programme/film/63/40722-the-girls-are-alright
回复 :星野达郎(武田鉄矢 饰),42岁,某建设管理公司的万年系长。其貌不扬的他事业平平,爱情道路上更是诸多坎坷。到目前为止,他已经参加99次相亲,却无一例外遭到拒绝。与之相对,达郎的弟弟纯平(江口洋介 饰)年青俊朗,风度翩翩,备受异性的瞩目,这令达郎颇为汗颜。再又一次相亲路上,达郎结识了美丽的大提琴手矢吹薰(浅野温子 饰)。薰曾有一名深爱的恋人,但在3年前的结婚典礼前夕恋人因故去世,致使薰久久沉浸在痛失所爱的悲伤中无法自拔。虽有一波三折,但在纯平和薰的妹妹千惠(田中律子 饰)的努力下,达郎和薰的关系渐渐融洽。直到某一天,与故去恋人相貌极其相似的一个男人出现在薰的面前……©豆瓣