擅长各种黑科技的“技术宅”孤儿李延治受大太监赵 元齐委托,局中打开了黄巢之墓。未料赵元齐和黑道士江寒子一起,局中利用黄巢策划一个势必导致腥风血雨的惊天阴谋。为了不成为助 纣为虐的千古罪人,完全不会武功的李延治决定和重阳教的玄阳子和秦瑜师徒二人一起阻止赵江二人的阴谋得逞。
擅长各种黑科技的“技术宅”孤儿李延治受大太监赵 元齐委托,局中打开了黄巢之墓。未料赵元齐和黑道士江寒子一起,局中利用黄巢策划一个势必导致腥风血雨的惊天阴谋。为了不成为助 纣为虐的千古罪人,完全不会武功的李延治决定和重阳教的玄阳子和秦瑜师徒二人一起阻止赵江二人的阴谋得逞。
回复 :《触目惊森》故事讲述一队英军六人特种部队被委派特别任务,前往苏格兰一处人迹罕至的森林,作一次野外预习。其间赫然发现另一部队全军惨死林野,血迹斑斑死状恐怖,此时众人大惑不妙,心胆俱裂之际,哀号之声不绝于耳,暮色徐徐挂上,一场狂林厮杀立即展开!面对手段凶残的敌人,为求一线生机,队员都显得越战越丧,几近疯狂。正当生死存亡之时,一名神秘女子却出手营救,藏身山林中的小屋,此时武器弹药将尽,屋内各人身心俱疲,进与退同样困难之时,大家开始怀疑…这个以血肉填满的死亡陷阱究竟有没有出口?《触目惊森》上映一天已创下英国恐怖片最高开画票房纪录,横扫法国票房,深获欧洲各界影业人士一致赞好,被评为最有风格最狂最丧的恐怖经典,骇人画面藏着一股狂暴的张力,紧贴迫近。导演尼尔马素(Neil Marshall) 更凭此片勇夺卢森堡国际电影节Luxembourg International Film Festival及布鲁塞尔奇幻电影节Brussels International Film Festival Of Fantasy Film共三项最高荣誉金奖及观众大奖。
回复 :故事发生在20世纪70年代的美国,帕特里夏(托妮·科莱特 Toni Collette 饰)和父亲斯坦(弗兰克·穆尔 Frank Moore 饰)过着相依为命的生活。因为童年时代不幸的经历,帕特里夏渴望拥有一个属于自己的孩子,她用过人工授精的方式怀孕了,诞下了一个男孩,取名为亨利(杰森·斯佩瓦克 Jason Spevack 饰)。在9个月大时,亨利便已经展现出了异于常人的天赋和智商,但他的聪明伶俐却并没有令他过得更加的幸福快乐。亨利渴望知道谁是自己的父亲,于是,在斯坦的帮助下,亨利踏上了寻父之旅,并且最终将目标锁定在了一个名叫斯拉夫金(麦克·辛 Michael Sheen 饰)的男人身上,与此同时,亨利还得知,自己还有一个同父异母的姐姐奥黛丽(萨曼莎·温斯坦 Samantha Weinstein 饰)。
回复 :During the US Civil War, Union POWs escape in a balloon and end up stranded on a South Pacific island, inhabited by giant plants and animals. They must use their ingenuity to survive the dangers, and to devise a way to return home. Sequel to '20,000 Leagues Under the Sea' . Written by Stewart M. Clamen In 1865, during the siege of Richmond, Virginia, the union soldiers POW Captain Harding, Neb and Herbert escape in a balloon during a storm with two confederate prisoners, Sergeant Pencroft and the journalist Spilett. The uncontrollable wind takes the balloon to a mysterious island in the South Pacific in the area of New Zealand. Captain Harding self-proclaims the leader of the group and they look for food; sooner they discover that they are stranded in an island. Further, they are attacked by a giant crab that becomes their first meal. Along the days, they build a shelter and finds that the island is inhabited by giant animals. A couple of days later, they find two castaways on the beach, the aristocratic Lady Mary Fairchild and her sexy niece Elena. Later they find a trunk with weapons and instruments like sextant and shelter with a journal of a man left alone in the island by pirates. When the pirate vessel arrives in the island, they are helped by Captain Nemo of the Nautilus, a submarine that had supposedly sunk in the coast of Mexico eight years ago. Nemo is famous as the man that tried to end strike among man. When the volcano begins activity, they need to leave the island to save their lives. Written by Claudio Carvalho, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil