回复 :一档原创情感纪录片,一部关于他们真实约会的纪录片,它真实记录当下不同城市、不同背景、不同性格的单身男女,他们带着期盼与勇气,开启现实生活中的一次次邂逅,真实对话,勇敢追爱。在此过程中,也将看到他们各自的情感议题,对于构建亲密关系的困境、观念碰撞。面对爱情,照见自己,收获成长。
回复 :故事设定于13世纪的爱尔兰,一队修道士守护着神秘的遗留圣物,而这场守护之旅却潜藏了许多意想不到的危险。
回复 :Beto is a lonely man who works as Ranger of the isolated Peninsula Valdes' National Park (Chubut, Argentina). Lover of the nature and animals, the peace of his days watching orcas, seals and sea lions in the sea ends after the arrival of Lola, a Spanish mother who travels there from Madrid with his autistic 11 years old son Tristán looking for Beto after both watch him in a documentary about whales. Desperate, Lola asks help Beto in order to make a therapy for Tristán, hoping that his isolation caused by the autism can be overcome. Reluctant at the beginning, Beto agrees to help Tristán, sailing by the cost in a boat to meet orcas (defying the rules that prevent touching them and swimming them), the only one that causes emotional responses in Tristán. As days go by, Tristán starts slowly to express emotions, in the same way that Beto's boss tries to fire him in the belief that orcas are a dangerous killers whales, Lola realizes about a familiar trouble in Spain and that they Lola and ...