回复 :这是一段风尘的英国历史,国王查尔斯一世的腐败激起了贵族的反抗,他们在贵族托马斯的带领下历经三年苦战,终于在1645年打败了王室军队,国王查尔斯一世被囚禁在王宫里,贵族们开始了对国王的审判,并最终把查尔斯一世送上了断头台,但是故事并没有结束,被流放的国王后世最后还是复辟了,他们对参与审判国王的贵族开始了血腥的报复。。。。。。
回复 :麦克(赫布·埃德尔曼 Herb Edelman 饰)是从美国远赴日本的推销员,他所售卖的产品是维他命。然而,销售状况似乎并不像麦克所设想的那么好,很快,麦克就花光了带去的钱,即将面临流落街头的窘境。此时,麦克遇见了善良的樱花(倍赏千惠子 饰),樱花收留了无处可去的迈克,将哥哥寅次郎(渥美清 饰)的屋子借给麦克住。寅次郎对于这件事情当然感到非常的不满,他想方设法的捉弄麦克,想要这个外国人当众出丑。麦克非常感谢樱花的帮助,他用自己的方式对樱花表示了感谢,哪知道这种方式在寅次郎和樱花看来,是一种侵犯。麦克要回国了,他带走了樱花的一张照片,实际上,他早已经爱上了这个善良的姑娘。
回复 :When the film begins, it is all over. “We know it’s terminal, and that’s all”, says Juliane of her mother Kerstin, who is in great pain and about to die aged just 64. Although the young doctor she consults acknowledges on a personal level that everyone has the right to manage their own death, he nonetheless reminds her that euthanasia is still illegal in Germany. This is even more the case at the Catholic hospice where Kerstin is staying. As relatives come to say goodbye to her mother and the emotions of memories mingle with the anticipation of grief, Juliane finds herself having to do battle with time – unbending, apathetic and monochrome – and this is superbly reflected in the convulsions of the handheld camera in wide shots.Based on personal experience, Jessica Krummacher’s second feature film vividly relates the painful story of losing a parent. There is no violence or morbidity, rather the director describes the most important of events via the smallest, most fragile of details – the exchanging of words, texts and tender gestures that remain with us and get under our skin.