琪琪Paris, the late 1960s. Madame Claude is at the head of a flourishing business dedicated to prostitution that gives her power over both the french political and criminal worlds. But the end of her empire is closer than she thinks.
琪琪Paris, the late 1960s. Madame Claude is at the head of a flourishing business dedicated to prostitution that gives her power over both the french political and criminal worlds. But the end of her empire is closer than she thinks.
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回复 :主演:王彩桦、林冠宇、黄冠智、张寗、辛乐儿、吴秉宸、李梓诚故事将围绕在家庭,面对家人对于自己感情状态的关注,你会坦承相对,还是避而不谈?讲述一名和男友互订终生的同志,在tw同婚过后开启了一趟返乡之旅。在一次次与家人的惯常对话里,拉出本片在亲情外的另一轴线:或许每一次的出柜,对发语者来说都惊心动魄;但作为聆听者,你永远可以选择温柔。哲铭返回台南老家,替母亲阿娇庆祝生日。身为年过三十却未婚的独子,感情状况总是倍受母亲关注,以往总是避而不谈的他,今年却有点不同,因为今年的他已婚——只是对象是个男生。这次回家,该不该让母亲知道自己已婚同志的身分?还是继续维持著三十年来避而不谈的舒适状态呢?