免费한 사람의 결혼으로 관계가 끝난 줄 알았던 섹스파트너 ‘현대’와 ‘민주’.하지만 멈출 수 없는 욕망에 성적으로 타락해가는 ‘현대’와가질 수 없는 것에 대한 욕망을 포기하지 못하는 ‘민주’,그리고 두 사람과 복잡하게 얽힌 인물들의 적나라하고 추악한 욕망까지…‘섹스’에 ‘발광’하는 혼돈의 현대사!추악한 욕망 속에 숨겨진 자극적이고도 씁쓸한 이야기가 시작된다.
免费한 사람의 결혼으로 관계가 끝난 줄 알았던 섹스파트너 ‘현대’와 ‘민주’.하지만 멈출 수 없는 욕망에 성적으로 타락해가는 ‘현대’와가질 수 없는 것에 대한 욕망을 포기하지 못하는 ‘민주’,그리고 두 사람과 복잡하게 얽힌 인물들의 적나라하고 추악한 욕망까지…‘섹스’에 ‘발광’하는 혼돈의 현대사!추악한 욕망 속에 숨겨진 자극적이고도 씁쓸한 이야기가 시작된다.
回复 :20世纪80年代的波兰,医学院青年实习生威特克(Boguslaw Linda 饰)急于搭乘火车前往另一个城市。当他赶到车站时,火车已经开动。威特克奋力追赶,命运由此分出三条支流。第一种命运,他赶上了火车,并在车上认识一名老党员。二人相识相知,老人竟鼓励和引荐威特克入党,成为一名政府工作人员;第二种命运,他因站内警察阻挡错过了火车,因此被投入监狱,狱中他结识一个反党分子,日后更积极参与地下反抗运动;第三种命运,他错过了火车,却巧遇曾经的女同学,两人相恋、结婚,过着似乎美满幸福的生活……本片荣获1987年波兰电影节最佳男主角(Boguslaw Linda)和银狮奖。
回复 :茫茫西部,一个路经农场的过客肖恩(艾伦·拉德 Alan Ladd 饰)引起了主人斯塔雷特一家的警觉。原来当地恶徒雷克一伙为了吞并自耕农的土地,不停骚扰斯塔雷特等居民,男主人乔·斯塔雷特弄清了肖恩的身份后,将美丽的妻子玛利亚和儿子乔伊介绍给对方,并邀请肖恩留在自己的农场帮忙。肖恩入住小镇不久,就在镇上的酒馆遭到了雷克一伙的折辱,自耕农们不愿放弃辛劳工作换来的家园,集合商讨对付雷克的办法,最终却只能旁观肖恩肉搏雷克的众打手。肖恩在农场辛勤工作,并不时传授给乔伊战斗的方法,另一方面,雷克仍然不放弃赶走斯塔雷特等人的计划,肖恩决定奋力反抗……
回复 :They do not show war in this film, they show people and their dreams and hopes ruined by the war. It is not just another "war film", but it rises to the level of a true Tragedy. Not a propagandist or a sob story. Many critics compare this film to another famous Russian war drama, The Cranes Are Flying. I still think that The House I Live in is better, though, if you've seen The Cranes and liked it, most probably you'll love this one either. Both films were shot in 1957 and treat the war theme from the similar humane perspective. I wouldn't cut a single shot from the film, all of them are just in place. I do not know if it can be found outside Russia, if yes, don't miss it.Many critics pointed out resemblances between Dom, V Kotorom Ya Zhivu (The House I Live In) and the better-known Soviet film The Cranes are Flying. Set in the years prior to and during WWII, the story centers on the various residents of a co-op house. Though the directors never show the war itself, its tragic impact is felt throughout the film. And despite the potential for Soviet propaganda, what sticks in the mind is the universality of the experiences endured by the leading characters. Dom, V Kotorom Ya Zhivu was one of Russian's entries in the 1958 Brussels Film Festival.