老去Former leaders of the "pray the gay away" movement contend with the aftermath unleashed by their actions, while a survivor seeks healing and acceptance from more than a decade of trauma.
老去Former leaders of the "pray the gay away" movement contend with the aftermath unleashed by their actions, while a survivor seeks healing and acceptance from more than a decade of trauma.
回复 :“电波”的故事发生在上海解放前夕,以李白烈士的真实故事为素材,是由上海这座城市红色基因孵化而生的一张城市名片。舞剧电影中没有一句对白,情感的爆发淋漓尽致地表现在了身体上,从两人的舞蹈、眼神、肢体中传递彼此浓烈的爱。情感的挣扎与妥协,彼此间的感同身受比任何一句台词都具有张力,都要持久和震撼。影片改编自同名原创舞剧。
回复 :一个田园郊区的宁静突然间被打破.在整齐修整过的草坪和篱笆后面,女孩Sarah被一股冷风慢慢吹开了的门吓了一跳. 穿过走廊她父母卧室的门半开着.她唤着她父母,可是没有回答. 她走进他们的卧室,视线落在了床上.她发现她的父母被绑了起来并被塞住了嘴.在她大脑能运作之前她被残暴地抓住了头发并且猛地一下推到墙上. "按我说的做,不然要你死",Scarlip告诉她.他熟练地把一个装满血的沙漏倒了过来并冷静地告诉她,"我要杀掉你父母中的一个.你有六十秒决定杀哪个." Sarah恳求Scarlip不要那么做,可是他却告诉她如果六十秒之内她不选择的话,两个都要死. 这一切都只是一连串残酷抉择的开始.....
回复 :A pair of whacked-out cartoon-like exterminator/hitmen kill the owner of a burglar-alarm company, and stalk the partner who hired them, his wife, and a nerd framed for the murder, who tells the story in flashback from the electric chair.