回复 :影片以中国人民志愿军司令员兼政治委员彭德怀的视角讲述,全面展示了从战前国际形势的快速演变到板门店停战协议的签署,涉及中国人民志愿军对战以美国为首的“联合国军”的整个抗美援朝战争过程。影片不仅具备东西两线和五次战役的全时空格局,还呈现了突袭战、防御战、运动战、阵地战和坑道战等多场不同特质的激烈战斗场面,在讲述国际格局突变时中、苏、美三国领导人作战指挥思想博弈的同时,影片展现了毛泽东等无产阶级革命家的战略思维,也展示了以彭德怀为统帅的指挥员们的战场谋略,以及全体志愿军战士用生命捍卫和平正义、保家卫国的爱国主义精神,全方位呈现出我们为赢得这场艰苦卓绝、震撼人心的伟大战争的最后胜利所做的牺牲和努力。
回复 :A once promising baseball star is constantly hunted by two hitmen when a young boy asks him to sell his baseball jacket. A high school student acquires a sleep control device to help him with his exams, and ends up getting more acquainted with the seller in the process. A prison guard buys a guitar and plays one last song with a rock band after he finds out that his number has been called up… to be an executioner. An English tutor and amateur journalist investigating a murder case makes an offer to gain information on the involvement of … a once promising baseball star.GOOD DEAL is a woven tapestry of the interconnected lives of people striving through the day-to-day of contemporary Korean society. Quite a spectrum of themes are covered: romance, crime, sports, famly, work, and even Russian literature! As each of its characters seek to make a “deal” with another person to help them stay ahead or even stay alive, they find their interactions much more involved and complex than they first thought. Written and directed by Cho Kyuong-ho, the film mixes wickedly dark humor and sincere sentimentality through its interwoven yet still seamlessly linear style of storytelling.
回复 :国王临终前把王位授予一个意想不到的继承人,他必须在自己身上找到力量,使他的人民团结起来对抗威胁他们自由的北方十字军的东征